And another BONG DEMO…

…and this time only with xoxos stuff. AURORA VST for the pad & bass, NAIVE LEAD VST for the arpish thingy, STAR CYM VST for the phasey centered hihat & of course BONG VST for providing the rest of the drum sounds. Peace!

mechapilot (Bristol, UK)

Found a really sweet sounding new producer. All his tracks offer a very nice synth sound selection with lots of 90’s DnB glory. Highly recommended. Especially those pads and arpeggio sounds are very Motor City like.


HYDi 1.3 is coming soon …

This one came a long way since Andrew published Version 1.2 last year. The changelog is huge. I have tested several Betas now over the last few months. All of the discovered bugs have been fixed, CPU load minimized, new stuff added and some things have changed.

Just for the notes: HYDi is monophonic. That means HYDi can only play ONE NOTE A TIME. Well, there are three different playmodes available (Mono, Dual, Unison) but she is still monophonic.  So no chord playing. But that´s cool because there are already enough polyphonic synths out there. But no monophnonic sounds synth like HYDi. She has some real character and in the right hands…

This synth is so dang cool…and free.

Juan Atkins – The Beauty of Decay

Isn´t it somehow beautiful? IRRC I have seen something similar in another documentary. Not quite sure who exactly it was but I believe it was Derrick May who guided the viewer through an old Movie Theather. He also called Mike Banks during the Interview and convinced him to do an interview with that filmcrew too. He lives a little bit secluded and lives the UR motto:”For Those Who Know”.

Anyway, there is another cool documentary out there about Detroit hosted by Johnny Knoxville. It´s more about Rock, Indi, Art and Culture in general but so dang cool…

I love Detroit. My no1 destination for my next big holiday…sometime

OLDSCHOOL GLORY (not really)

Today I uploaded two old tracks of mine. Unfortunately due a HD crash last year I only have mp3 stereo render so don´t expect anything HiFi.  I hope some of you enjoy  them despite the fact that they sound pretty bedroom producer like. 🙂

Sound Example Of New HYDi Softsynth VST

Here is small demo of a pad sound I programmed this morning on this little beast. Ichad C. (the developer) is still working on a smooth release with as few bugs as possible (hopefully). Expect it in near future..

Here is a little Pad I programmed this morning on this MONOPHONIC synth. I hope you enjoy it. You can also hear some of the nonlinear magic from the new 12db LP Filter which is coming with this release.